Root Canal Treatment

in Manchester & Cheshire

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment is required when the pulp (made of nerves) inside the tooth becomes inflamed or infected. This requires specialist treatment to clean the infected area of the tooth. Endodontics is a specialised treatment that is carried out by the dentist, to clean an infected tooth.

What does the process involve?

  • Firstly, we need to diagnose the infected pulp.
  • We have to clean and irrigate the infected pulp.
  • A new root canal filling is placed.

Regular appointments are essential to maintaining and improving your oral health, especially if you want to avoid costly procedures and treatments in the future.

Emergency Appointments Available
Book today at one of our practices

Book an emergency appointment at one of our practices today. We will confirm your booking slot within the hour, our emergency consultation fee is £45.

Professional & Experienced Team

Caring for Anxious Patients

Our qualified dental team will ensure that you’re well cared for by alleviating your anxieties and concerns, as we understand that delayed treatment will result in long-term dental problems.

Patients that are scared or anxious may delay or avoid seeing the dentist, which results in poor oral health. Regular appointments are essential in maintaining and improving your oral health, especially if you want to avoid costly procedures and treatments in the future.

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